Cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide
19 million cancer
cases are diagnosed
each year
Lung cancer, along with breast cancer, is the most common cancer
Every 2.5 min someone is diagnosed with lung cancer

Every 2.5 min someone is diagnosed with lung cancer

Lung cancer, along with breast cancer, is the most common cancer

Lung cancer is the #1 cancer killer worldwide

Only 15% of lung cancer cases are currently found in the early stages, when the survival rate is 53.5%
Most lung cancer cases aren’t diagnosed until later stages, when the survival rate is only 3.9%
Disease Progression and Treatment Paradigms by Stage
1. Ferlay, et al. Global Cancer Observatory: Cancer Today. Lyon: International Agency for Research on Cancer; 2020.
2. World Health Organization. “International Agency for Research on Cancer: All Cancers”. 2020
3. Cancer statistics: NIH National Cancer Institute Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results website,, released April 15, 2022
4. American Lung Association
5. NCCN Guidelines Version 3.2022 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
6. National Cancer Institute.